Saturday, December 13, 2008
seriously.. i really miss my j.c life! class, consultations and night study.. from 8am to 8pm.. certainly i love P.J.C!
what we could have been, 6:54 AM.
HELLO! i am boring! milk went to his primary schoolmates de 21st birthday bbq. actually want to do the chem tys which ms aw gave us. even though i whole day at home, but i did not manage to touch it. haha.
mummy finally get her coach wallet from milly. is my 2nd bro paid for it. it damn nice la. haha. here are some pictures

the box

mummy think is not worth it to spend more than $150 U.S dollar on that. haha. but i think is damn worth it.
Thur, we had class outing at orchard there, only went there to watch movie- hancock. meet up with cassy, rose and fen at 11.30am, went to shop around before meeting other people. had lunch @ KFC, which i had carving for it for weeks man. haha. managed to buy a wallet. haha. think shop with cassy they all too long liao. my taste have been changing man. never like those long wallet at all. but well, what dun change is change!

this is the movie tickets!
with our model of the day- DING HUI FEN!

went to adidas shop, and found this damn chio jakets which i think it suit fen. took a picture with it.
think me and cassy found a puma belt. it damn chio sia. with the bling bling! haha. think you will spot me soon in far east searching for that! keke.
since i am so free. i will randomly post some pictures!
rememeber what i said:" what do not change is change." yeap, i USED to hate pink. haha. but looking at all the stuff around me, is all so pinky. even my blog is so pinky sia. let look at the below evidence.

anyway those above stuff are all gifts. watch and the waterbottle is from milk while the handphone pouch is from bro.

VIAO! nice babe leh!

the inside
below are some cute picture of mr. milk~

TAKE 1! 007~~



milk, next week?
what we could have been, 4:09 AM.
PEOPLE! warning: long and outdated entry
let me start on my class BBQ at paris ris. quite enjoy and i LOVE to have bbq with my classmates. WHY?! all thank to hui fen. keke!
wanna any chicken? just shout: ZHEN QIN chicken wings!
wanna any satay? just shout: SATAY!
their service is damn good *thumb up* heehee
SOMETIME we also have SPECIAL service by HCI! okay enough of that, or else hui fen will kill me. haha.
think this is the only BBQ that i ate more than 10 packets of sotongs and fish! haha. nice! nice!

this is a group photo

the 5 girls~
next is the celebration for the june birthday babe
let the pictures do the talking ah.

ling and xiang!

tata! the birthday cake! is damn good la!

the 3 lucky birthday girls

and the 3 non-birthday girls

*cut cake cut cake*

group photo




me and jia

me and jojo de pepper
and i going and the post with LAST GROUP PHOTO

what we could have been, 6:07 AM.
You are Blue Tiger, who is cheerful and straight forward person, but you also possess pure and clean atmosphere.
You are very active, and don't flirt with men and are not cautious towards them.
You are open-minded person with big warm heart.
You can make decent decisions and have observing eyes.
You are also intelligent and self confident.
Nevertheless you are not very good at quick decision makings, and tend not to act before you are convinced thoroughly.
But once convinced, you will go the whole way.
You are very popular, because of the way in which you don't show favoritism and you can make decisions on reason.
Unlike your cheerfulness, you tend to be very sensitive and tend to worry needlessly.
You seem like a romantic type, but you are very realistic and don't go following your dreams forever.
You are actually thinking a lot about your future.
Although you seem like a big-sister type, you can be conservative towards men.
You have good sense, but your interests are rather old fashioned.
When you are in a difficulty, there will always be someone to help you.
Those who received lots of help from the others tend to become warm hearted, and take care of the other people well.
You tend to link love and marriage.
And you wish for the two to become one.
Even if you get married, you tend to find activity outside home, so it will be good for you to keep a distance.
this is the link
what we could have been, 2:43 AM.
i had spent my last weekend on attending the IT fair. sat, went to IT fair with milk and xiang. milk wanted to buy a desktop while xiang wanted to buy harddisk. being a nice girlfriend and jie mei i accompany them. keke. (thick skin) walk around and went to find audrey who was working for PC mag.
sun, went to IT fair AGAIN with my family. second bro bought a white sony vaio for my first bro for his graduating gift. oh ya, for those who dun know my first bro had graduated from smu. the most important is my bro only paid for $1199 for it. haha. anyway now i am using it to update my blog. keke. oh ya, dad brought a 42 inch tv for his room for $1999. dad said is damn cheap la. well... i dun know anything about tv.
for most of my weekdays was spend on dating with my math, phy and chem. looking at my list again. i left with 10 more topic for chem, 6 more for phy and 7 more for math. well those topic left is J1 de. so think i can finish it quite fast ah. haha.
my milk had been activated. THEREFORE he wil NOT book out for this coming weekend. think he misses his mum ah. because aunt went to taiwan for around one week and NOW he cant book out for this coming weekend. being a good girlfriend, think i will go to his house and finish all the taiwan mango that aunt brought for him. HAHA. *evil smile*
okay people think i will end my post will continue to gambate for my paper. before i press "publish post", here are some pictures about my new ipod babe.

RED,is the colour for the year!

look closely, there is my name! shehui! yeah~
what we could have been, 1:02 AM.
ello people. i am bored! looking at the list now.. i still got 17 chapters to go for chem.. 10 more for my phy.. and oh well i did not touch anything about math, which mean i have 20 more chapters for my math. damn it. i am half way through my holiday and this is what i had left.
rushing my phy revision as tml afternoon i have a consultation with mdm ong about the revision package. oh man. looking at the revision package, think i only done half of it. haiz. think i need to go to the petrol station and add the most expensive oil (jia you). if not i might not be able to finish everything before my mid year.
yesterday received via sms about going to east coast to cycle de. really wish to go lo..too bad i need to go dating with my phy. well...
anyway i had changed the blogskin of mine. think i had gone crazy ald.. lol.. okay people i gtg.. physics is calling me..
what we could have been, 9:48 PM.
i'm bored. family went back to ipoh for days. i cant enjoy with them as i have H1 geography on friday. damn it. i really wish to go back to my grandma house. but i dun know why my mind filled with this sentence.
"geography is so easy!" anyway this is said by my human geography teacher, ms. leong. think i went for just 1 and 1/2 hour of consultation she said this 4 times!
after studying geography for 6 days, also had read alot on sichuan earthquakes. i starting to love geography, especially human geography.
anyway this is just a random post. i am really b.o.r.e.d.......
what we could have been, 3:29 AM.