Last saturday.. i had lots of fun.. as i looong time never cycle until so happy.. hahaz.. and sorry for the late post.. as i dun find the time to update.. hahaz..@-@
This wat happen on saturday.. we meet ls, allan ,jesper, george and yeong sheng at jurong east mrt.. ya.. then we reach there quite early and we start talking crap.. and this jo.. found out that i got ear hole(does you name it ear hole..??) and asking hx to buy one ear ring for me.. er.. as i never ear ring for too long.. i dun know how to put on.. haha.. but with the help of jo.. aiyo.. no kick sia..
Then we take mrt down to er.. i forgot..!! haiz take mrt down to a place la.. and we went to a coffee shop.. and was waiting for the toot xzhi.. and he still at clemetic.. think he very big ah..?? haha.. just kidding..
Then we head to east coast in two taxi.. one taxi we got ls, yeong sheng and our aiai couple.. haha.. then here we got my shi fu, my shi fu's bro, my doggie and me myself!! haha.. and we had wait for the taxi for quite a loong time..
Wooo Weee.. we finally reach the wonderful place.. then we had take our bike.. and start our journey to the west.. hahaz.. er.. quite tiring.. and i also pity my butt.. the seat was hard like siao.. nvm la.. as loong as we had fun.. it's okay with me..
Then after we had finishing our cycling.. oh ya.. our aiai couple share a bicycle tgt.. *so sweeet* hahaz.. then we had some entertaining game.. and the forfeit is one cup of lemon tea and h2o.. hahaz.. then we had water game?? oh ya.. our first victim is allan.. but we cannot manged to throw him in the sea.. next we have xzhi.. and this toot.. saying no shirt no shirt.. lie one la.. haiz.. in the end i get into the sea and get myself wet.. hey.. BUT.. i am happy.. as someone FALL DOWN.. !! right, george?? hahaz..
Then the graduate went to meet with mdm peng for dinner.. but dun know why.. we small brats also end up there.. nvm la.. my stomach feel so great without any meat.. hahax.. then went home and get home about 10.45 pm.. then rush all my hw.. then went online.. but never update my blog.. haha.. pei seh.. jay is more important.. haha..
Then today was all about waiting.. and one small bloody wood is trap inside my hand.. see tomorrow how my mum handle.. haha.. okay la.. cannot type much.. as i can feel the pain.. see ya.. oh ya.. tomrrow is teacher day.. so i wish all the teacher.. a very HaPpY tEaChEr DaY!! haha.. okay.. see ya..
what we could have been, 11:46 AM.
This picture is taken by tay.. at my home sofa.. this picture look like S.H.E.. er.. if you guys know S.H.E together ablum cover.. was looking for the picture.. but.. i cannot find it.. hahax.. hope you guys enjoy.. see ya..
what we could have been, 1:15 AM.
Haha.. finally my message board work.. so guys.. can leave commeeent.. haha.. okay.. never blog for long time.. er.. actually dun really remember wat special thing happen past few days..
Oh ya.. jo and they all had come to my home on thur.. because for two simple reasons.. first jo wanna come my house to eat kitkat.. and second they wanna to see the sick cat, tay.. haha.. then went crazy.. and start to take crazy photo..
Oh ya.. another er.. rare thing happen in yuhua science lab.. we are burning some chemical thing.. suddenly a BIG fire had seen across the science lab.. haha.. hey the pro thing is.. is happen TWO TIME.. haha.. funny.. our cute mr tan never scold us.. BUT.. he teach us safetly thing la.. haha..
And today is a tiring day for me.. i had sleep through my d and t lesson.. haha.. then had math test.. since this math test no time limit.. so i was doing my math test slowly and relaaaaaaaaaaaxing.. haha.. then had to go and pratice my stick which is taller then me.. haha.. okay la.. we went to paint the stick as we need it on fri for the toot music week..
Then get home and do blah blah thing.. and now.. right here writing my blog.. haha.. okay.. i will end here.. haha.. see ya..
what we could have been, 9:39 PM.
This cute mickey mouse is design by jay.. and he got sign on that black shirt.. wow.. have my idol design my favourite cartoon, mickey mouse.. haha.. hope you guys enjoy!!
what we could have been, 11:12 AM.
Oh ya.. it look like my blog is hungry for new post.. here come the new post.. hahax.. er.. past two days.. nth much happen..
Yesterday.. when i come back from yuhua.. i found out that my mum had fall sick.. hear from my dad that she had fever and flu.. "Mummy.. take care & get well sooon!!"
Oh ya.. i cannot wake up today.. and need my sick mum to wake me up.. hahax.. pei seh.. there are two simple reasons why i cannot wake up.. first, i slept quite late last night.. and second, i forgot to put alarm..!! hahax.. so blur.. nvm la.. i got mummy to wake me up.. haha.. :)
And today in school we used our free lessons (2 hours) to do week{er.. pei seh.. dun know how to spell.. that why i used music week..} and managed to finish it.. when we combined everything.. it look quite okay.. even though we anyhow beat the crap thing.. haha.. then went for recess.. oh ya.. and george finally retured one pop pop to me in the morning..
The second half of the day was like.. sleeping time..??!! haha.. nvm la.. slept at mr leonard tan history lesson.. hahax.. nvm la.. he very good one la.. even though he call my name, to wake me up.. i still jolly well sleeping away.. hahax.. catching butterfly with jay.. !! hahax.. hey guys, is a joke.. so dun need to vomit in front the computer table.. oh ya.. tomorrow need to bring jay cd's booklet to hui ting.. wooooo weeee.. so happy.. right, jo??
Then after school we had gone to the sp.. for some toot people info.. sp=Singapore Poly.. :) haha.. okok.. wow.. wat can i say.. sp i damn damn big.. we had the talk by sp people.. hey.. i never slept.. hahax.. found it quite amused.. hahax.. then we had the treasurt hunt.. wow.. wat can i say.. DAMN FUN!!! oh ya.. when we were in the bus going to sp gate.. we pass by bball and tennis courts.. haiz.. nvm.. later the durian say i crazy over gentleman.. hahax.. @-@.. let me carry on.. we play treasure hunt.. and my group members.. are Jeanette(leader), jia hui, mei jing, zu er, hao xiang, sez yee and ME!! haha.. we are runing around sp like siao people that come out of the IMH.. haha.. run up and down the stair and hill.. and go in the er.. i think is like coffee bean.. somewhere look like it.. to enjoy the air-con.. haha.. then went to food court.. and we were run across food court six.. haha.. was like people looking at us.. "wat the hell, is those student doing and running around the school..!!" haha..
And our ending point is food court five which is near the swiming pool.. just wanna go swimming.. and everyone cheek went damn red.. especailly jo.. running up the hill with me.. hahax.. jo.. you had improve..!! haha.. dun worried about thur 2.4km!! you can do it!! hahax.. and we also felt hot and tired la.. even though we dun managed to get the top ten.. but we HAD FUN FUN FUN!! haha..
When we reach school.. found out that tay fall ill.. she got a fever.. wow.. why nowsday people around me get sick..!!?? er.. dun know.. ask god.. hahax.. okay.. so me here.. wish my mum and tay.. get well soon.. haha.. okay.. see ya..
what we could have been, 10:13 AM.
Sorry for the lousy quality.. if you see clearly.. sylvia name is spell wrongly.. haha.. so sad for her.. haha.. via.. dun cry la.. haha.. anywhere hope you guys enjoy looking at it.. er.. does anyone will enjoy look at the name?? haha.. i dun think so.. haiz.. watever.. haha.. see ya.. miss ya..
what we could have been, 11:25 PM.
Finally our BIG event had finish.. Phew.. a good one, i think so.. now.. we guys can take a good rest.. as we had been training very hard for this concert.. and we need to thankz the backstage people.. like sam, larry and last but not least the graduate.. haha.. thankz you so much..
This is the first time we was using two drum sets for this concert.. due to the two drum sets.. we need a looong lorrry for it.. and had lots of people doing the carrying drum sets and other kind of stuffs.. and we girl was like enjoying??!! haha.. okay la.. then we get into the bus.. same bus with our big butt, toot leader, shi fu, the two J{jesper and jeremy}..
At least i got some people to entertain me.. and we finally at the victoria concert hall.. then well again.. we can hear mdm peng shouting around.. after settle the drum and the platform.. we had our practice.. at around 2.45pm..?? starting to get used to the enviroment and some background sound.. our music is not as good as we blow in our hamonica room.. but still alright la.. then we had our dinner.. and after that we had to change change.. haiz.. due to shortage of GIRL toilet.. we do not have enough time.. as we was like intending to use the boys toilet.. haiz.. the boys were much slower then the girls.. now i know.. boys like to look at the mirror.. haha.. okay la.. if you are in the girl toilet and the changing room.. you know why i say.. haha..
And after the struggle in the dessing room.. i manged to come out and get ready.. wow.. this is the first time i feel so nervous.. just dun know why.. ya.. finally on the stage liao.. looking for my dad and mum.. oh ya.. actaully i cannot find my mummy.. maybe she too short.. cannot find her.. haha.. mum, just kidding.. haha.. then we had blow blow blow.. i remember we gone to the backstage quite a number of time.. and not wasting the time of being nervous.. i start to play game with ys aiai, jo.. haha.. we went crazy.. dun really care about the concert.. oh ya.. the fun part is.. BO YEA GIVE ROSE TO SZE YEE.. haha..
At the second half.. i think this is a great part of the concert and everyone dun look that nervous.. we had our pretty mdm peng to conduct us on reality.. then we had a great fun at the toy symphony.. haha.. then we had jesper solo at the FF9.. haha.. so fun.. at the end of the concert.. had more fun.. haha.. after the concert.. we had the thankz you here and there..
And carrying lots stuff.. like xzhi, jeremy, yeong sheng stuff.. as i was putting sze yee bag on the floor.. she was.. "hey be careful about that water..!!" and i went blur.. water..?? orrrrrrrrrh.. is bo yea give her a rose and someone put the rose into a water bottle, containing some water.. relax la.. i will not kill the rose.. and our deeear sam call when we were back from the hall.. at our harmonica.. then george was giving out Ferrero Rocher.. oh ya.. xzhi, i never force you.. haha.. but anyway he still got ma.. haha..
When tay want me to get on his dad car.. after knowing his whole family in the car.. i say a no.. haha.. hey.. i look very extra.. i still got jay wonderful music with me.. oh ya.. walking to the bus stop with jo and aiai.. and joking with george and hx baby.. baaaaaaaby.. haha.. and the name is Koh Jun Xiang.. nice name sia.. haha..
Then rush to jp to get the last 243.. phew.. manged to take bus home.. oh ya.. my brother call me and ask me to call back to him when i reach the bus stop.. and i never call him and i go home myself.. and know wat.. he is happily sleeping in his bed.. haha.. dun disturb la.. see i so good.. haha.. just kidding.. dun need to go toilet vomit..haha.. as it is late and already moring that why he cannot tahan.. haha.. and then went to bath.. and waiting for my hair to dry.. and not very sure wat time i sleep.. as i was too tired at know.. all i know is i slept in the morning.. haha..
And today i wake up at 1pm plus.. feeling so greeeeeeat.. haha.. actaully i still tired la.. haha.. then like doing stuff online.. then after that gone to help the toot tay with her art.. then.. er.. forgot liao.. oh ya.. then i come online at nine.. then went to bath bath.. then now sitting on my chair updating my blog.. haha.. oh ya.. good luck for those having common test.. see ya.. nite..
what we could have been, 11:14 PM.
Oh ya.. this week BIG event is of cos the Harmonica De Cantabile 2.. as this concert is going to take place at Victoria Concert Hall on 21st august, 7.30pm.. and hope everything went well.. as lots of things went to a mess for me.. and hope our caring teacher.. dun worried about us.. and take caaaaaaare..
Oh ya.. thursday was just a bloodly day for me.. as nowsday miss yap was like hungry teacher.. keep on taking other teacher lesson to give us math test and class.. as thursday we had 5 lessons of math.. we had math from the starting of the days until recesse time.. and my class was like.. "wow, wat the hell is miss yap doing..??!!" haiz.. not very happy with my math common test mark.. as i had say before this is the first math paper that i did feeling so stress.. then after school we went to via home to play "DRY SWIMING".. er.. actaully i can sleep la.. cos playing with three other player which dun knoe how to play.. and the best thing is they still go and count, to see wat is the number.. haha.. okay la.. quite fun la.. maybe because we switch on last year concert vcd ba..
Then friday.. er.. was like.. can i say.. a screwed up day for me.. early in the morning still okay.. until after school we had our MATH again.. then after math class.. we 6 of 2e7 harmonica people was blowing harmonica.. this is the time when i found out my ocatve had spoilt.. er.. actaully i dun really care at that time.. thinking is just a small case.. then was like blow blow.. when our deear hx was like wanting to see his aiai.. she just left us there and went to harmonica room.. later we all also went to harmonica room..
After knowing that my ocatve abit spoilt.. i went to look for mr tang.. hoping he can save my ocatve.. then dun really care much about it.. until i come home.. wow.. my octave really cannot make it man.. then this is the time.. really scared.. then was busy finding the way to go for hall at table about one hour.. then was like busying packing the stuff.. and just get scolding from my mum.. haiz.. this is really a day where everything done works well.. oh ya.. a few miutues to 21st august.. er.. hope everything went well.. see ya..
what we could have been, 11:49 PM.
Wednesday, August 18, 2004
Here got two pictures.. first we got the picture of this week i~weekly cover page.. then the second one is the poster if 2004 prefect show.. we got Jay chou, SHE, Jolin, Pan wei bo and etc.. hope you guys like it.. 

oO_hui_Oo |
what we could have been, 7:46 PM.
Oh ya..time really past fast.. as this term going to end soon.. and our deeeeaar senior, sam.. had start his ns life in tekong.. btw.. JiAyOu SaM!!
This week school life like kns.. even though i do not have as many as test as last week.. but.. i was busy preparing the literature play.. just like yesterday i was doing until 12am plus.. and it took away my wonderful sleeping time.. and i had left less then 6 hours to sleep.. and our sam had GONE!! haha..
This week also can say quite tired.. as busy with literature play and our concert coming.. then today i have to act our the play at the very very first lesson.. then we had pe.. wow.. today was the today i know how short i am.. i was playing captain ball.. and was like halfway.. some 4E7 student join in.. and their boys was like taller then me by one head.. haiz.. wat you want me to do.. DEFENDS..??!! then had our ac.. oh ya.. this week ac not that bored.. as today we had math quiz.. our calss two great math student pei wei and keng leng represent our class for the math quiz.. and keng leng's team come in first and pei wei's team come in second.. GOOD JOBZ!!
Haiz.. jay was in malaysia at 17th and today he is in thailand.. haiz.. why can't him stop in our small island, singapore..?? haiz.. nvm la.. btw.. this week, i~weekly's cover page is jay chou.. haha.. and jay, jia you for your asian concert 2004-2005!!
okay.. let me carry on.. after recess.. the rest of my days was like my sleeping time, especially science and math.. haha.. maybe i too short.. teacher cannot see me, as i was happily sleeping away.. haha.. then went home sweeeet home.. and come to online.. haha.. NO HW & TEST.. feel so great.. and.. now i feel sleeply.. just wanna go sleep.. haha.. aiyo.. my bed so soft..!! haha.. okay.. stop here.. once again.. SAM AND JAY.. JiAyOu!!
what we could have been, 7:27 PM.
Halo guys.. got a very damn nice picture to share with you.. it will be fun if you know a guy name call George Koh.. hahaz.. hope you guy like it..
Wow.. see george have a cute pooh body sia.. cannot believe george become so cute.. wow.. unbelieve!! then we had another photo.. that is JO'S BABY!! we dun know is she and who one la.. but mostly is ys la.. right, jo?? and sorry for the poor quality, all must blame my house scanner.. hahaz.. enjoy ^^
what we could have been, 9:48 PM.
Saturday, August 14, 2004
Oh ya.. never blog for for quite a loong time.. haiz.. everyday was like busy busy busy.. okay.. finally.. this week come to a end.. can i say that my common test also coming to a end?? haha.. as i was like looking at my school organiser.. i found out that last week and this week.. i everyday got different kind of toot test..
Okay.. oh ya.. the only big event in this week is of cos the Guiness Record.. oh ya.. saturday.. oh.. i was like forgot what i did on yesterday.. okay.. i had the only math common test paper.. which is the most stressful math paper i had done so far.. dun know why.. maybe naver study well ba.. then went to harmoica.. and writing some stuff.. shhhh.. haha.. then went to had breakfast and lunch wif tay and etc..
Oh.. at banquet.. cannot decide wat to eat.. cos.. the food is like.. WOW, SO NICE.. hope i can try all the food.. haha.. oh ya.. the crap thing is.. i just buy my drink when sam say he treat us.. haiz.. MY $1.20!! haha.. nvm la.. dun bully him la.. then eat my roti prata.. oh ya.. the funny thing is.. this is the yan shan's first time eating roti prata.. and george aiai, keep on asking good or not.. so fan.. until sam help yan shan answer.. haha.. then was like feeling tired in the early of the day.. due to the late sleep.. haha..
Then went back to hamonica room.. saw chee how.. and ask him to blow FF.. then went to help out at the pass thing.. oh ya.. i had ask miss yap for the scissor.. and now.. i dun know where the hell the thing is.. siao liao.. haha.. never mind.. must be in harmonica room.. hope i can find it.. haha.. okay.. then mr tang come.. and we had to blow blow blow.. haiz.. quite a busy and tired days for me.. then at 4 smth to got to change to jean and the shirt.. then after changing we to get back to the harmonica room.. and this the time went our dear mdm peng get angry.. as we were hungry.. haiz.. then ls went to buy bread.. then the best best thing is.. i went to help shu wen.. and i had pass the bread to jo.. and my bus.. dun have any bread.. sometime really pity my stomach.. haha.. then get some bread from ls when we were on the stage..
Oh.. we saw tay ping hui.. i think i spell it right.. then he was like strong.. quite big in the mass as he stand beside mr tang.. and telling as that mr tang is his teacher.. but dun know if it is truth ma.. wow.. wat if jay is there.. i will be the first one to go up and shake hand with him man.. haha.. forget it.. haha.. then at 6.05pm we had our dinner.. oh ya.. quite nice la.. then we were like waiting for our turn.. they had singing wat F3 wat crap thing la.. as the F3 was singing jerry yan(one of the F4) song..
Then our turn come.. and we were main.. felt so proud about it.. haha.. then we were blowing the opera.. i could hear the cheering sound.. then we blow when the saint go marching in.. the rest 900 hundred students come in.. this is the time when the whole band look big.. then we were blowing and sometime the mc were talking.. then we finish the whole thing by asking the dun know wat people to take photo.. oh ya.. and our dear mr low had come.. and when they were asking mr low and mdm peng name.. i was the only people who cheer for it.. cheeey.. no fun de.. haha..
Then we settle all thing.. then get it on the bus.. then we went to 496 to eat eat.. and the funny thing is.. i though yee and aiai is eating.. so i was like wait for them and enjoy our food.. but.. wow.. they never order.. i was silly waiting.. never la.. at lest i quite proud as got 8 people waiting for me to finish up my food.. haha.. okay la.. tay and me get on 198.. then went home home.. haha.. quite tired.. then had a wonderful bath.. that was washing all my tired.. haha.. then went to sleep at about 12.30am.. then i had a damn damn goood sleep..
And wake up at about 1pm.. haha.. cool man.. haha.. then had my breadfast and lunch tgt.. then now sitting on the computer table, writing my blog.. haha.. okay la.. now is the time to rush all my damn hw.. bye bye.. see ya..
what we could have been, 3:43 PM.
Oh ya.. i had dl this nice trade mark picture on hp.. and had sent it to my email.. hope you guys like my new monkey trade mark..!!
what we could have been, 10:26 PM.
Thursday, August 12, 2004
Oh.. did not write blog for three days.. haiz.. being very busy with test.. and my concert is coming.. wooo weee..
Okay.. wat i did on monday.. omg.. i forgot.. oh ya.. got harmonica.. ya.. wake up in the morning and go to hamonica.. then if i not wrong.. we practice from 9am-3pm.. ya.. then went home.. rush all my ke lian homework.. then.. oh.. same thing happen.. dun why i end up in bed, as i must be at the table doing homework.. haha.. oh never finish study math test.. i had end up in my bed..
Then the first lesson, i had math test.. wow.. quite simple la.. then the whole la.. very relax.. oh ya.. mdm peng let the sec 2e5/6 all go harmonica.. then 2e7/8 go for the tour.. but.. i am happy that i did not go for harmonica.. as i hear it for tay.. that today hamonica is very sian.. and i gone to little india for the tour.. quite fun.. had go buy some stuff.. and jin ying, jeanette and me.. are like siao girl.. going so far to buy stuff.. then we went to a shop to eat food.. oh.. now my wallet got a damn big hole.. the tea they are selling at $1.50.. and they say wat crap la.. "Since you are a student.. i am selling at$1.40..!!" wow.. like discount alots like this..
On the way back to school.. we five girl saw a damn damn beatiful house.. wow.. is like the top store.. at nigh can see the star.. wow.. then niceeeeeeeeeeee.. haha.. never mind.. i know you all dun get me as.. me, myself also dun know wat the hell i talking.. nono.. is typing.. okay.. then at to yuhua at 4.45pm.. and jo, aiai and me.. was waiting for via and tay for er.. 1 hours and 45 mintues.. haha.. and we were talking some childhood stuff.. the pro thing is.. i talk until no sound come out of my mouth.. haiz.. kns.. ya.. because some toot thing.. i now got a nice nickname.. right, jo??
then reach home quite late.. 7.30pm?? ya.. then go and buy contact lens.. then.. i MISS A GREAT SHOW...!! SINGPORE IDOL.. haiz.. today miss a damn good show.. haiz.. ya.. then come home.. dun have the mood to study geography.. then come to net and do my jay hw.. haha.. oh.. then sleeep sleeeeeeeep..
okay.. since geography is the last lesson of the days.. i have the whole day to study for that mdm kum test.. oh ya.. today i have tay go to shool with me.. haha.. rare le.. haha.. then go to shool.. study study study.. then george you know wat.. hx never eat anything during recess.. wat did you give her during breakfast.. aiai durian meal..?? haha..
Then after school.. went to fang house to do mr tan project.. then i left quite early as i feel a bit headache.. then went home.. went i reach jp.. i found that i need the toilet badly.. and got up a bus.. wow.. then found out that i got up the wrong bus.. wow.. kns la.. i need my house toilet so badly.. and i had got up wrong bus.. haiz.. then walk down the road.. then miss one 243.. the waaaaaaaait waaait.. until the bus fianlly come.. haiz.. then get home.. shock to see my brother at home.. then my mum went to np, dun know sign wat thing for the cousie..
Then i remember that i was listing to jay song.. then SAME THING.. end up in my bed AGAIN.. then got wake up by my mum to eat my dinner.. then now here.. writing blog blog.. oh ya.. wish ys's computer, get well soon!! and xzhi, good luck for your violin test!! then i wish myself good luck for tomorrow d and t test and sat math common test.. gOoD lUcKy, JiAyOu & gEt WeLl SoOn!!!
what we could have been, 10:59 PM.
Just like yesterday.. at home all the time.. and nth special happen.. one word can descried "BORING"!! haiz.. let me recall wat happen yesterday..
Oh.. i had online the whole day for 8 hours.. if i not wrong.. then went to CC.. that was near gek poh shopping centre.. wow.. KFC there was damn damn cold.. as long as i am in the KFC.. i was sneezing all the way man.. wow.. then wait for my bunger.. wait wait wait.. haiz.. i think quite long ba.. cos i reach home at 9.30pm something.. then ate my dinner.. oh.. don't know why.. i so tired.. even though i like lazy pig in home all the time.. i think after having my dinner.. i fall asleep on my living room sofa.. then wake up by my brother.. calling me to go sleep.. at that time.. my bed is like wow.. so soft.. haha..
Erm.. suddenly wake up at 2am something.. dun know.. just suddenly.. and reply all the good nite message.. then went to dreamland again.. sleep sleep sleeeeep at 10am.. ya.. then take my own sweet time to brush my teeth and other thing.. oh.. ya.. gone to KFC again.. to buy breakfast+lunch for my lazy brother.. then eat eat EAT..
Oh.. today i felt like an idiot.. like being fool by people.. even though i know that they did not done it on purpose.. i though i was late.. rushing all the way down to 5 something.. which is near shu qun.. and found it suprise that i am the first to reach there.. wait wait waaaaaaaaait.. for about 10 miuntes.. i call yee up.. and she told me that the meeting had cancel.. . feeling a kind of sad.. listening to jay song.. walking down the st.. and knowing that i had miss two 187.. walking walking.. until i reach the bus stop.. then wait for the 187 for 10 miuntes.. When i reach jp.. i gone to the library.. to retured some books.. then still dragging my step.. just suddenly feel that my feet become very heavy.. then went home.. my brother give me a special look when he saw me went home so early.. telling him the sad story.. he just laugh and say sad sad.. haiz.. i am the one who felt sad le.. he sick.. hahaha.. orbi good.. cannot go out.. haha.. wat can i say.. brother, i can go out le!! haha.. siao..
WOOOOOOW.. nice show to day by channel 8.. i think is smth like award.. dun know la.. then jay get the best ablum of year-{Ye Hui Mei} and took some picture from the tv.. haha.. siao.. okay.. oh ya.. jay is having concert ion singapore at jan 2005.. haiz.. still long sia.. he had start the concert at oct.. not sure.. but if i not wrong.. his throat still not ready for the concert.. btw.. JiAyOu JaY!!
You know wat.. george looking at my small blog.. i think i die liao.. never mind.. he big ah.. oh ya.. BIG IN SIZE.. haha.. and he is saying that is aiai is more important.. go and find your aiai la.. siam siam la..
Let me carry on.. er.. where did i stop.. oh ya.. saying about when i at home.. okay.. haha.. have a great news man.. my brother will not take discman to his camp liao.. wooow weeeee... haha.. that was a great great GREAT NEWS.. haha.. jay music man.. then my dad just come back from malaysia.. help him to unpack some stuff.. and eating durian.. hey.. hx.. i eating my grandmum's durian.. not george's durian.. so relax man.. remember to look after the small durian in your small tummy.. haha..
Oh.. in msn talking to hx's aiai.. as he was editing a rainbow doramon for his aiai.. but.. it look kns.. haha.. pei seh la.. but i am saying the truth.. haha.. then watch the NDP.. oh ya.. you know wat.. MR GOH, YOU ROKZ!! haha.. oh.. i forgot to wish singapore.. SINGPORE, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! Oh.. then watch the singpore idol.. can laugh until siao.. damn funny.. haha.. oh.. now here writing my blog second time.. oh.. going to stop liao.. see ya..oO_hui_Oo
what we could have been, 11:50 PM.
this is a very very VERY nice picture.. edit by someone.. and i think george must be very happy.. right, george?? hahaz...
what we could have been, 5:04 PM.
this is another nice song found in Qi Li Xiang.. the piano is play by jay himself.. hope you guys enjoy..
翻著我們的照片 想念若隱若現
去年的冬天 我們笑得很甜
看著妳哭泣的臉, 對著我說再見
來不及聽見 妳已走得很遠
就算是我不懂 能不能原諒我
我知道堅持要走 是妳受傷的藉口
請妳回頭 我會陪妳一直走到最後
就算沒有結果 我也能夠承受
我知道妳的痛 是我給的承諾
妳說給過我縱容 沉默是因為包容
如果要走 請妳記得我 (如果難過 請妳忘了我)
what we could have been, 4:23 PM.
oh.. then we had a bunch of monkey call me up at 5.50am.. saying until so nice that they going to wake me up.. but the truth is that they are bo liao.. nth to do.. i think must be george tell hao xiang about it.. that why her aiai never switch on her handphone.. george and sam.. i am very honour to be the first one to wake up by a bunch of monkey, who know how to used handphone le..
oh ya.. yesterday i am busy with hamonica.. busy wif hamonica from 9am-4.30pm.. try not let jay news affect my mood.. then in the morning.. waiting for that girl, tay zi ying.. for 10 minutes.. then went down to school, to meet yee they all.. then they all having roti prata, yee and i eating dumpling noodle.. as yee and i got sore throat.. then even though we are the last to eat our food.. we two managed to finish up and not like tay and jing ying.. haiz.. just a waste..
then go to hamonica, then sam lead us.. actually, i feel sad as.. some of my junior anyhow blow.. haiz.. forgot about it man.. then sam go through our concert songs .. then later we had our lunch timeee.. aiai and me ate hokkien noolde.. and the rest.. i forgot liao.. haha.. then gone back to harmonica.. then we like blow blow blow.. then mr tang come.. he trying to put some feeling in dance of yao.. then he leave at 4.30pm.. then we also leave.. so good.. haha..
then home, actually wanna sleep de.. then busy busy.. oh.. and the toot leader, shi fu and jesper all entertaining me.. then busy busy.. dont know from my computer table.. then end up in my bed.. wake up by mum.. told me remember to switch off the computer.. after i switch off my computer.. i went to my dreamland.. my mum ask me if i wanna go to malaysia to see how my grandmum doing.. but she see i so tired with the hamonica.. she just forget it...
then wake up at 10am.. and just eaten my breakfast.. then now writing my blog.. okay.. stop here.. need to do my homework.. oh ya.. hearding that jay is coming at around dec to have a Asian Tour concert.. hope he will come to singapore.. and he is coming to malaysia at 16/08/04 and thailand for Panasonic's event.. hope he can come to singapore and take good care himself.. and tomorrow is sinagpore 39th birthday.. HAPPY BIRTHDAY SINGAPORE..!! even though is early by one day.. haha.. oO_hui_Oo
what we could have been, 10:50 AM.
Saturday, August 07, 2004
had hear some news about jay's sound cord.. hope he get well soon.. here a nice song in his ablum{Qi Li Xiang}.. hope you guys enjoy..
詞: 宋建彰
曲: 周杰倫
久未放晴的天空 依舊留著你的笑容
哭過 卻無法掩埋歉疚
風箏在陰天擱淺 想念還在等待救援
我拉著線 複習你給的溫柔
我只能永遠讀著對白 讀著我給你的傷害
我原諒不了我 就請你當作我已不在
我睜開雙眼看著空白 忘記你對我的期待
讀完了依賴 我很快就離開
what we could have been, 10:35 PM.
today is damn tiring day for me.. and a fast one.. cannot wake up, as i slept quite late.. erm.. slept at around 12am.. late man.. *tiRed*
today go to school with tay.. oh.. she is the pro one.. never bring bag.. harmonica put my bag lo.. never mind la.. just a small thing^^.. oh yea.. one happy thing that i have burger for my breakfast.. niceee.. haha.. then early in the morning, we got sing lots of songs.. like count on me singapore, home, one people one nation one singapore.. oh.. sad smackers not over there.. haha.. then had perform for us.. and after that we had harmonica.. oh.. sawing sam taking big bag to school, as they all having camp in yuhua.. haha.. after we had a small breakfast two for me.. haha.. then we go through all the song..
after hamonica, tay, kelly and me, went to block 5 something to buy white shirt and shoe.. then i rush home to have a bath and gone to jp to met with allan, kai sister, sam, jia hui, jo, mr koh and mrs koh.. we had watch movie call, 十面埋伏.. erm.. i think okay la.. even though george aiai told me that her aiai{george} sleeping away..
aiyo.. george, you really very pig le.. aiai sit beside you.. you still can sleep.. wat if other people sit beside you.. maybe the movie end liao.. you still dun knoe..~~~ haha.. cannot blame him la.. maybe last night dun know wat hx do to him la.. so.. we cannot blame george alone.. no la.. just kidding.. my OWNER!! haha.. oh..?? find it strange ys online.. haha.. we were say must be jo baby hack his daddy account.. oh.. nono.. is ys.. haha.. who cares??
okay la.. let me carry on.. where did i stop.. oh ya.. we were saying george slept during the movie.. okay.. then i finish our movie at 5.50pm.. then i go home.. listening to jay songs.. woo weee.. but when i get home.. the first thing i do is.. go to sleep.. then even though no lesson.. today also seem busy and tiring day for me.. oh.. my sleeping time is 6.30pm-9.30pm.. quite long la.. cannot sia.. shehui can slept so long.. unbelieve sia.. haha.. dun go toilet la.. even though i know i very pig.. okay la.. then had dinner wif my two brothers and dad.. then come online.. doing my blog.. you knoe wat.. i now also feel like sleeping now.. wow.. dun know why so tired.. haiz.. must listening to jay song to let me high.. woo wee.. haha.. oh.. saying about jay.. i forgot to check his news.. okay.. gooooing.. haha.. see ya.. dun miss me.. haha.. btw.. who will come and see.. haha.. niteeee.. oO_hui_Oo
what we could have been, 10:30 PM.
Thursday, August 05, 2004
erm.. today is the end of my school week.. as friday we need to celebrate for SINGAPORE 39th years old.. so no school.. wooo weee.. i love you, singapore.. haha.. but still need to go for harmonica.. as our concert is coming.. JiAyOu YhHb.. !!
okay.. today i got up a bus, 198.. and watch a cartoon about cars.. quite cool.. then get there quite early.. at there at 6.55am.. then i saw bao then later via and yee.. the first lesson is a very relaxing time.. we have 1 hour freee.. and later we had math.. and had done a toot math quiz.. quite lame.. then had music lesson.. then miss ang let us see smth to do wif music.. then we had string instrument, windwood and many more.. had saw fun thing in string instrument.. string instrument rokz..!! haha.. then had recess.. oh.. i forgot to see wat hx ate.. nvm la.. must be druian la..
after recess, i had science lesson.. haiz.. the first thing mr tan did is to tell us about our poor result.. erm.. can see that he was quite angry about it.. then later we had our chinese test.. wow.. the test is so "EASY".. that let me feel shock.. haiz.. anything la.. then we had geography.. the same old thing she is going say.. "you all got so good form teacher to led you.. yet you all dun study for test.. then next year got one more normal strem for you guys.." can't she say smth new.. today topic seem quite easy.. is all about WATER,H2O.. haha.. after the school hour, we had stay back to finish up some math correction..
then i went to jp wif tay.. to buy her mum bd's present.. took a long time to buy her mum present.. then come home and went to net and enjoy jay songs.. then watch tv, play and go online until now.. now.. the mr chan teaching me how to put link.. okay.. find out that jay Qi Li Xiang cd had lots of great songs.. maybe today finally had the chance to listen.. that why finally knoe it.. wooo weee.. jay rokz..!!! okay.. need to stop here.. and take a very good rest.. oh ya.. have a looooooooooooong weekend for meeeeeeeeee.. so happy.. my pillow is calling me.. bye bye bye.. see ya.. miss ya.. oO_hui_Oo
what we could have been, 11:21 PM.
this is my favourite jay's song Qi Li Xiang.. so sit back and enjoy..^^
窗外的麻雀 在電線桿上多嘴
妳說這一句 很有夏天的感覺
手中的鉛筆 在紙上來來回回
秋刀魚 的滋味 貓跟妳都想了解
那溫暖 的陽光 像剛摘的鮮豔草莓
雨下整夜 我的愛溢出就像雨水
院子落葉 跟我的思念厚厚一疊
幾句是非 也無法將我的熱情冷卻
雨下整夜(整夜) 我的愛溢出就像雨水
窗台蝴蝶 像詩裡紛飛的美麗章節
我接著寫 把永遠愛妳寫進詩的結尾
那飽滿 的稻穗 幸福了這個季節
妳突然 對我說 七里香的名字很美
what we could have been, 4:28 PM.
Wednesday, August 04, 2004
woo wee.. finally my toot science test had finish.. quite a difficult one.. nvm la.. and found out that jay cd, Qi Li Xiang was the second song in that cd.. feeling quite blur about it.. haha.. nvm.. jay, jia you!!^^
okay.. let me recall wat happened yesterday.. oh.. i miss my 198 again!! dun know why i had been missing this 198.. again, i took 187.. then as usual, meet up wif bao bao, via and yee.. and bao and me had wait for this two toot girl until 7.20am.. almost late.. but we managed to get there on time.. oh.. nth special happened.. and gone to harmonica after school.. oh.. the happy about tuesday was.. i dun need to go for english claaass.. haha.. and i will be getting jay cd.. oh.. then we wait for mdm peng until 5.45pm.. haiz.. and tay and i took mrt down to jp to get my jay cd.. after going to music junction we go to 7-11 to buy thing to eat.. and reach home about 7.10pm.. then had a bath and my neighbour ask me to help her set up her new computer.. and got home at about 8.50pm.. then had dinner wif dad.. erm.. and studying science test and listening to jay song at the same time.. cool man.. haha.. erm.. had gone to sleep about 11.20pm.. ya.. quite late..
today in the morning, dun managed to wake up.. and almost forgot to bring my PE shirt.. and rushing all the way through.. erm.. when i reach jp, i finally FINALLY managed to take198!! haha.. siting the same seat and watching the same cartoon.. haha.. same thing happened.. had wait for the two girl until 7.20am.. and the bao also never bring her PE shirt.. haha.. now is my time to lent her.. we dun managed to be late.. haha.. maybe i am born not to be late ba.. haha.. just kidding.. dun need to go toilet.. haha.. then the toot miss lee had told miss yap that.. if she saw one of our classmate not dressing well, the pupil will kanna suspend.. erm.. dun you think is funny.. by not dessing well and kanna suspend.. erm.. then we carry on wif our literature test.. and had PE.. haiz.. the best thing is.. bao never give me the PE shirt back.. haiz.. had to wear school U to play my games.. erm.. then we had AC.. haiz.. damn boring.. had fall asleep.. lucky i sit behind jo.. wif her long body.. teacher dun managed to see me falling asleep.. then we had our recess.. you know wat.. i found out that during recess.. hx had ate many food for the past few days.. still rememeber that she dun managed to finish up one plate of rice/noodle.. left half of it to let us help her finish up her food.. but now.. she ate finish everything.. not even one rice left on her plate.. and she still go and buy more thing to eat.. this is strange.. george.. wat did you do to hx.. we all guess hx got baby..!! haha..she never come to school on moday.. and jo say that she went to check if the baby is alright.. haha.. tonite must ask george wat did he do.. haha.. aiyo.. haven married got baby liao.. even though i know that shotgun is very common.. haha.. wat am i talking.. haha.. let me carry on..
then after recess we had boring chinese and after that.. is my sleeping time.. haha.. as mdm fauzana had a date wif her doctor.. haha.. and see how her baby doing.. haha.. siao.. after english we had SCIENCE LESSON.. haiz.. test test TEST.. can cry la.. T-T.. after finish the toot test we had math.. quite relaxing.. then HOME SWEET HOME.. and finish the SBS thing.. tay and i had gone home tgt.. then now at home.. haha.. haven bath.. but i am not smelly!! going to bath soon, not like xzhi.. haha.. erm.. listening to Qi Li Xiang.. and need to finish up my homework and chinese test.. kkz la.. need to stop here liao.. see ya.. oO_hui_Oo
what we could have been, 3:58 PM.
woo wee.. one more day to my beloved jay cd and poster..!! oh.. today can wake up, without my mum calling me.. and miss my 198.. and take 187.. haiz.. then in the morning.. i had PW lesson.. then use msn in lab.. suaning george like siao.. but i though he used to it liao.. aiai~~.. hahax.. kkz la.. after PW lesson i had open book test(literature).. and i had done finish the test.. but mrs sult going to let us carry on our test as not many of us finish the test.. hahaz.. then found out that mr tan heng kwee cut a new hair style.. erm.. not actually new hairstyle.. he just cut short his hair.. and this made him look more tooot.. hahaz.. then nth special happen until the last lesson of the chinese lesson, was feeling boring.. and went to play jo hair.. making lots of "special" hairtstyle for her.. then at 3pm need to go for peer.. and doing the worksheet quite fast.. and the rest of time, i was talking talking.. quite boring.. as i just come back, found out my two brothers, were sleeping and snoring like pig.. cannot blame them.. they just too tired.. and i had doing homework until about 9pm.. then come on net.. and my brother just told me, he had brought elva new cd.. erm.. actually not very care.. as i know i will getting jat cd tomrrow.. haiz.. wat can i say about this week.. today just found out.. almost everyday i had test for this week.. hope this week pass faster.. and can get some joy from jay music.. wooo weeee.. the more i listen to jay's song(Qi Li Xiang) the more i looove it.. hahaz.. kkz la.. need to stop here.. my mum going to nag me.. see ya.. oO_hui_Oo
what we could have been, 10:25 PM.
this is my second post.. erm.. today woke up quite late.. as i slept quite late yesterday.. i had being online until afternoon.. in the morning.. i had listened to smackers live.. thank you jesper by singing a jay song, qing tian..(i knoe you were singing an jing, as xzhi told me) and just wanna say.. thankz for the wonderful music and you guys rokz.. haha.. and i ate my lunch at 1.30pm.. then felt tired.. and began to sleeeep sleep.. haha.. then woke up at about 5pm??.. then heard my mum nagging at me being a piggy.. then do homework and study literature.. and had to rush all my homework at sunday..hope i can pass well.. haha.. and i had ate my dinner.. and follow by my favourite fruit, watermelon.. oh.. just suddenly wanna watch qing tian mv.. maybe because of the cello solo part.. haiz.. hope i can go and learn my favorite string instrument.. oh.. feeling quite sad.. still haven see jay new mv.. the tooooot xzhi had saw it liao.. crap.. forgot that i have a lit test tomorrow.. have to go and study.. see ya.. 初戀的香味就這樣被我們尋回~七里香 oO_hui_Oo
what we could have been, 9:33 PM.