ellO ellO~~!!! anyone miss me? hahax.. yeah, i had went missing for the past one months and 11 days.. hahax.. i had shift my desktop to my room.. so i had no internet connection.. cant online that often, cant update blog that often too.. kkx.. this entry will be a long one.. it had stuff on what i had been busy for the past one months so and also some pictures i took in malaysia during the CNY..
Firstly, most of you know i went to jj for the first three monthes.. yeeah.. i met new people.. new strange thing.. new joke and of cos new fun.. went for 3 days 2 nights orientation camp.. wOw~~ *speechless* hahaha.. i am really pei fu by the students council.. beacuse they actually put in 101 effort to plan for camp and it took them around 4 months.. *peifupeifu* had tried new stuff like mass dance which actually needs you to grab a partern and dance with.. i was thinking the guys should make the move.. but after i analyse is most of the girl who did the approach first.. i had one OG mates.. everytime mass dance, she will first go and grab those better-looking guy and dance with.. i and others was watching her actions and make a joke out of it.. hahaha.. i know we are bad.. but it damn funny..
Next is the love fiesta 07 on 3 Fed.. nothing much to say la.. just that we got a food stall and sell sandwiches and cup corn..

( our cup corn cute le.. haha..)

( oh 07S21 YEAH!)
07S21 is my class.. we had the total of 22 people.. 9 girls and 13 guys.. haha.. and we are very glad to have a nice tutor.. MR HONG ZI YANG! sometime he can be real funny.. sometime he can be our friend..
BBUT.. when you dun do his chem work.. HAHAHA.. beware~~~ hahaha..
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v380/teeshirt0417/class3.jpgi dun know when to see jia de husky.. hahaha.. hahaha.. she is damn cute la... i think picture speaks louder than words..

( a fieces look by husky..)

( nice picture le.. all thanks to msTEE!!! WAHAHA)
On the valentine i and mr zookeeper went to botanic gardens.. haha.. a fun trip.. we really walk the whole botanic garden.. we enter the gate which is near the Holland road all the way to the other end of the gardens which is the Bukit Timah road.. yeeah.. the pity thing is i forgot to bring my camera there.. so i can only rely on my 2 mega pixeks de phone camera.. BUT i also took many nice pictures.!!

( 2 white swans)

( 1 white duck *quackquack*)

( we are the white family)

( here come the black swan)

( the group of kuku bird)

( what a fat bananas)

( and its flower!)

kkx la.. once again.. i haven touch on the CNY thing.. bro is back again.. see ya.. next time.. good stuff worth waiting la.. hahaha.. OVER HERE.. wanna wish everyone
Happy Chinese New Year!!
what we could have been, 4:29 AM.