Thursday, November 29, 2007
yox people! i now busying cooking in the kitchen with my grandma.. while the other was swimming in the jurong west swimming complex.. tml i going off liao.. so come here to say see ya!
what we could have been, 2:10 AM.
Monday, November 26, 2007
DID YOU KNOW?The bikini was invented in 1946 by a French automotive engineer named Louis Reard?
haha.. was reading the NUS Faculty of Engineering which i went for my work shadowing.. saw this funfact.. found it quite interesting.. think next time i need to invent more thing for the ladies ah.. haha.. anyway this coming fri i will be going to thailand.. cant see my mr. milk for around 2 weeks.. i guess.. hahaha.. 姐妹们 accompany mr. milk to go shopping la.. haha.. see ya people!
if you had wonder why i did not update anything about my 5 days in NUS.. i can say that i am plain too lazy on that.. many stuff i need to settle before my trip.. so yea, next time ba..
what we could have been, 9:56 AM.
Thursday, November 22, 2007
this is all quoted from mr. sam blog! hahaha! orbi good!
When more then 5 girls equals a gossip market
This happen before the party over lunch, I was taking a dig at LS and She hui for constantly having this little cute 'lovers spat' in front of us like we're all non-existent haha. It was cute, but common to us all. The end result was that, the 2 lovers unite and combine their powers combined to dig my old past at me.
They were still at it and asked many questions about my private love life but well SAM is rather game and answered quite a lot of questions eh? I've never been in a relationship yet, and its not sometime i'm urgent about at the moment. So they were trying to make fun of me, but coming out with all kinds of funny people that was rumored that was with me in the past.
I think this old rendition is out dated already, nowadays people like to compare their relationship with a cup of coffee and milk together. the milk sweeten up the life of the coffee, but the coffee is making the milk's life bitter. Hahaha.the last prag was said by mr. milk.. haha. think i need to find more ways to make his life more BITTER! hee
what we could have been, 4:27 AM.
people! i'm finally back! anyone miss me? hee. let me start on 4th november. all my jiemei, sam and mr. milk went to via house. some went to gym, some went to swim, some stay at home doing project and SOME just hanging around and DISTURB people. haha. and i was pity staying at via house rushing my video for my OP exam.
after they are done. this stupid jia took my phone and camwhoring! people love to take nice nice cute cute pictures. but this jia love to take UGLY picture and love to show off. here are some of the examples:

5th november! my OP exam! everything went quite smoothly. as usual, after every major exam, we went to pizza hut! haha. think this is the 3rd times! first time was after mid-year, second was after prom and now is after OP! haha.

10 november! my dear mr.milk bday! it is 20th bday! haha. this time i not going to do a card using those colour pencil, poster colour and etc. i tried to use photoshop! this prog is a stranger to me. thankx to via who sit beside me and advice me all the way! thankx girl! do a simple one. here is some picture of it.



front again

back again!

content! not going to show what i wrote. hee

isn't it cute?
lego- ferrari F1 fuel stop. haha. i went for many toy shops and FINALLY yeah i found it. haha. here you go.

kkx people. this i will stop here. will update soon on my stay in stay tune!
#ms. coffee
what we could have been, 2:57 AM.
Tuesday, November 13, 2007

i'm proud you introduce my baby girl-joan
here is a picture of her! cute le?! hahaha..
people.. i will update my mr. milk de bday pic.. but not so soon, as i am rushing my geography nike case study which is date due on 15th.. so stay in tune..
what we could have been, 3:08 AM.
Thursday, November 01, 2007
HELLO, PEOPLE! i know i have been not updating for months.. but then you know i am always busy.. finally my exam is over and now i am currently preparing for my Oral Presentation (OP) for my project work.. after the next
monday, i can relax and play like crazy!
but the sad thing is after my OP.. i am going for the work shadowing something like an attachment for two days in
NTU.. next i am attending lectures in NUS.. AND FINALLY i going to
Thailand with my grandmother, a total of 13 people..
hahaha.. i and my mum will be representing for my family, while my dad will be busy with his work.. and my two pity brothers are busy preparing for their exam..
you guys must be wondering how well i have done in my exam..
opps i shall say how bad i have bad.. this time i really did very badly for my exam.. i fail my
geo, chem and GP.. very
jialat.. think miss
vani and
mr tan is going to kill me!
hahaha.. what is done, is already done.. i cant change the outcome.. but i can always prepare myself for the next challenging year..
dun talk about my
jialat results.. anyway yesterday (31
oct).. i went to
preorder jay album.. yes! i
preorder two days before the release of his album..
haha.. as usual, i cant miss his free gift when we
preorder.. anyway over here i hope to wish my brother (
HAPPY 20TH BIRTHDAY!!!let me show you the cover for the free gift..

next will be the back of it..

here is the free poster..!
hahah.. bu
neng shou de mi mi..

to end this entry..
i'm busy
what we could have been, 4:11 AM.