Saturday, January 19, 2008
okay people. if you are interested please read. there is one SJI guy from the JC1 who apparently dun like girls that are from the neighbourhood school and insulted quite a handful of people in his blog. and someone who is damn angry about this entry actaully print out the content of the blog and paste it around the school. so yea everyone in pj know about it. i told my 2nd bro which is from SJI too. he said "bring shame to the josephians."
By Zachary, St Joseph boy. Currently in PJC PAE.
"i am sooooo pissed was the gathering of our orientation group, well they seemed a decent lot. so i came late and had to sit beside C at seoul garden. she's a nice girl, very smiling and pleasant. so the stupidity started when two certain girls decided to comment on how 'couply' we looked. -___________- i was like are you fucking kidding me? what are we, primary 6? so i politely told them to stfu.then we went to LUCKY PLAZA to play POOL. that's like two downgrades at one shot, way to fucking go, og 23. so because a part of 'new me' is to become more of a good sport, i gamely gave my billiards virginity away, stepping into lucky plaza and risk getting seen by 93432 people. seriously you would have thought it would have been worth it but when i was having a game with jay against two girls, they kept taking advantage of the fact that they 'were girls' so they could keep trying again and again. so i got pissed the fuck off and let them win. and big LOL @ their triumphant faces, as if they could actually beat us in a game of billiards. if they were happy with winning using such cheap means, by all means, cheapen yourselves. idgaf.the last part, going to subway. they were trying to take a picture of P and i together. -___________- x 10000 pls. seriously, what the actual fuck is wrong with these two? are they like, obsessed with me or something? were they trying to play matchmaker? do they think that I with MY STANDARDS cant get a girlfriend without their help? i could pick a random girl in pj and she would be my girlfriend in an that is how my sunday got ruined. dear neighbourhood school girls: this is where you differ from the girls of, say, ij or mgs. oh, besides the fact that you have 0% class, half the self respect, no sophistication to save your lives, and are naive simpletons. you neighbourhood school girls dont know how to carry yourselves well, which pisses me off. by the way, bullying a boy is not cute anymore. so take yourselves and your disgusting chinese phrases and get the fuck out of my life. i dont want anything to do with you guys, give me a st. marg's girl over you anyday."
i read cassy blog about this thing and i actually copy and paste from her blog. haha. i think he had already deleted that entry and he wrote another one. apologising on his foolish act.
I am truly sorry.I'm sorry for what I did, and what I did not do. I know a simple 'sorry' hardly accounts for what I've said, especially when everything was untrue. I just hope everyone realises that I didn't mean it, and what I said was said in a brief, foolish moment of angst. I was wrong. Firstly, I'm sorry to the girls of PJC. I'm sorry I said such stupid things. Even if it was in a moment of anger, I know it doesn't even justify what I've said. You girls are the best group of girls I've ever met, and I didn't mean it when I said what I said. You girls are worth so much more than this. I'm sorry I didn't take control of my emotions, and let anger engulf me in sheer stupidity, saying things I only dream would happen. Second, I'm sorry to my Alma Mater. Sorry to all the Josephians in PJC and what I've put you guys through. I hope that everyone understands that SJI doesn't raise arrogant jerks like me. My school raises men of integrity and men for others. The SJI lot are really a fun bunch, please don't let what I said cloud your opinion of them. I have failed my school and my schoolmates miserably, they are nothing like me. Third, I'm sorry to my OG. They are seriously the best group of people I have met in a long time. I really want to fix this with my OG and OGLs, I truly had fun with you guys during orientation. I don't want to let what started out as a good thing end as a bitter memory. Sorry to the girls of my OG, I'm sorry for putting you down. My attitude stinks, I know I have to change it. It was such a small, petty matter, I should have just found it in my heart to let it go. Fourth, I'm sorry to whomever I had to cause inconvenience. The principal, the deputy principals, the discipline master, my CT, teachers involved. This was totally uncalled for, and I would have saved so much trouble if only I had been big enough to take it light-heartedly. I hope the boys that pasted the flyers around will not get expelled. They did it in a moment of passion and pride for their school, and I honestly would have done the exact same thing, if not worse, if such was spoken about my school, and I believe anyone would. Please do not punish them. Last, I would just like to thank whoever took the flyers down. I'm sorry my stupidity caused you so much trouble, and I had no right to be defended. But you still did, and I thank you very much. It was heartening to hear that at least there were some people in school that did not hate me.The motto of this college is 'While I live, I learn'. And I have learnt in my short time in PJC. I've learnt that underneath whatever uniform we wear, we're not that different after all. People shouldn't be judged by where they come from, and opinions shouldn't be formed based on uniform. Our uniforms don't define us as people, it's our actions that do. I'm sorry for my mistake. Believe me when I say if I could reverse this I would. I'm not asking for forgiveness, I just hope that everyone will understand, that I was being a big idiot. I'm sorry.Zachary
actually this blog stuff we had discussed in our own gang too. i personally believe that there is definitly a big jump from a pure boy school to a mix junior college. i can see a living example whom is my bro. and i also read something similar content on jonthan lum which is my classmate who also come from boy school. but this does not applied to him la. as our class only got 5 girls out of 27 people. beside that i am partially agreed that some girls regardless of what secondary school they are from also very qiao. so girls out there, please be more aware of your own behavier. whatever it is, think this matter is already settle if i not wrong. and one last but very important thing, whatever you wrote on your blog you need to be responsible for it. this is one of the dangerous hidden fact about blog.
what we could have been, 11:19 PM.
HELLO! yeap, my weekend is coming to an end. haiz. watever. just now 2nd bro called. chatted with him for like 20 mins. was looking at the videos and pictures he took at america. haha. over there snowing sia. haha. not going to blog much about my school life. abit boring to come to blog and blog all about school right?! okok. yesterday went shopping with milk. haha. thankx milk! i know you hate those crowd. haha. okay la. i need to finish my work liao. will post some pictures.

i'm the king of the world! anyway that is my 2nd bro.

the campus map.

this is what the guys cook. can you believe it?!

and more! pizza!

my snowman! haha. abit disfigured! haha.

think this is the place where he live
oh ya. i dont know how i link to felicia chin de blog. was looking at her pictures. and out of a sudden i feel that felicia chin look abit like tan jia hui! let us take a look.

are they sister?! haha.
quote of the week:
in prosperity our friends know us: in adversity we know our friends
- john churton collins'-
what we could have been, 7:37 PM.
Saturday, January 12, 2008
just a blink of eyes. one week is over. next week is the three week of school. if im not wrong i have one chem lecture test (L.T) at the fourth and phy L.T at the fifth. haha. think this coming weekend i will be staying at home and study.
the second week of school is not bad. seeing all those J1 just give me motivation to study. haha. dun ask me why. maybe seeing them slacking and enjoying their "honeymoon" weeks, let me feel that i am damn hardworking. haha. i am glad that i am doing fine now. was saying to roseanne that every night i reflect my day. i felt that i did not do much, in other words i did not have a fruitfull day. and somehow i was blaming myself for that. self-discipline? i really did not know the reasons.
on the last day of the second week. out of the sudden i asked the four girls in my class to stay back for some studying. yea. went for cafe. i order mocha breeze. study from 2.30 to 5. roseanne leave us at 3.30 as she went for bowling and weiling leave later for her work. soon hui fen leave also. left me with la dao, cass studying. i was delighted that i almost completed my math tut. think i will spend my time study in school. me and cass have the some bad habit. once we both reach home, we will slaaaaack.
this is a picture of my mocha breeze i ordered at the cafe. $2.20. abit expensive right?

when rose and weiling left they also left their rubbish for me and cass to clear! this is the evidence!

pj had sakae in our school. yeap, is the sakae sushi but the store name is sakae @ campus with the green frog logo. suprising, they did not sell sushi till this recently they selling one type of sushi. i tried the pizza, first time eating japan pizza sia. not bad though.
here is a picture.

after that had my first twd training. yeap, think we were preparing for CNY performance. YES, YOU DID not ready wrongly. we are going to perform. i really think is damn stupid la. haha. learn new stuff for that training. people learning how to tackle people down when they attack them. for me, i learn how to fall down nicely that i dont injured myself. think i am a pro in falling down. coach wants to show them and im her parther. i did not know coach knows to show slow movement. coach almost fall down when she was trying to support me. haha. yeap.
think i going to end this entry, there is still piles of work for me to finish. think it is going to burn my sunday. oh. mum birthday today. HAPPPY BIRTHDAY MUM!
quote of the week
only friendship which can stand occasional plain speaking is worth having
* lin yutong*

this is my everyday need. not really. haha
what we could have been, 7:01 PM.
Saturday, January 05, 2008
halo people! yea, went for school for three days already. so far not bad! at least i could be able to end school at 1.30pm! haha. oh. i had two new science teachers, both chemistry and physics. my chem is miss aw and phy is mdm wong. so far not bad. chem teacher is abit strict. but well she is pretty think next time my class de guys will be very ting hua liao.
this year we got students handbook. haha. the design is damn good la. okok. the handbook also got include many meaning full quotes. haha. i will post it here.

ok i going to study for my next fri de geo quiz. bye people.
- the making of friends who are real is the best token we have of a man's success in life- *edward everett hale*
what we could have been, 5:57 PM.
Thursday, January 03, 2008
i love my milk!
what we could have been, 5:15 AM.
Tuesday, January 01, 2008
hahaha. this is one first post of year 2008! woah! 2008 what will you think of?! HUAT AH! haha. just kidding. i did not count down with my usual gangs. count down at home with my leaving-to-america-brother. yeap. went to party for almost whole day then reached home at 11pm.
Saturday, 29th dec 07went to buy breakfast for my sir. then went to his house and slack. haha. then we both were too boring that we da dee. play games confirm got forfeits de ma. we counted the number of cards we lost, then we need to do the same number of crunches. oh yea. initially i was winning de lo! but then end up i am losing. milk win me for like 10 or 11 cards per game. i only win him the pathetic 1 to 3 cards per game! nvm. then we add another punishment to it. the loser need to serve the winner for the later BBQ at ant house. ya. i am the servant all the day. hahaha.
after that we went to town to pick up JESPER, HAO XIANG, jia and via. yeap then off we go to amk. ling, ys, jo,george and jian cong was already there liao. once i reached ant house, i started to take foods and eat. haha. think one of my hobby now is to eat! wahaha. ya. everyone was saying. dun take those food la. you haven recovered. ya true, but my hands just cant be control! then we took lots of pictures. i'm going to post some only. too lazy. me and milk leave first as milk need to fetch his dad and mum. reached home at around 12am plus. oh ya. i remember man u lose the second time to westham. haix. nvm.

haha. jie mei!

all thankx to them. we can sit and wait for foods. haha

the fire is burning!

the blacks! jo and jia!

the talls. jes and jo! haha. dun know what happened to jesper eyes.

see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil and ONE EXTRA!

JESPER! this picture is taken by me!

this also taken by me! put this two pictures tgt. what we will get?! ok i will not post that pic!

hate sam?! nvm. i beat him ald.

ling de honey bunny

my milk!

this is cool right?! cos i took it!

Monday, 31st dec 07
early in the morning. not really early 10 plus, went to suntec to accompany my milk to collect his phone. then we went for our lunch. after that went back to jp to watch national treasure. then went to milk house. put our stuff and off we go to fetch milk mum at bp. after that we helped his mum to wrap the presents up then we went to bukit timah to eat. pick up jo up. haha. we were later for 5 mins. but surprising jo did not call us and ask why were we. so when we reached the bus-stop. yea. she was happily playing her pink DS. haha. no wonder. this is the power of games. haha.
audrey meet us over there. actaully got six people having dinner tgt. but ys car got some problems. so only four of us. after having dinner we hopped down to teng teng house! the first thing we do was to my WII! hahaha. ya. i almost become tennis queen.i was wining all the ways. till teng teng play with me. *sobsob* hahaha. watever. then after playing tennis we play boxing. haha. i am damn lousy at that. lose to first timer audrey. haha. after that got two guys (allan and milk) started to play that boxing. haha. the way you see them play. we wont want to go near them man.they look like they were really fighting. haha. think they play quite a number of games. end up, sweat already flowing down their body. WATERFALL! haha. yeap.
after the "exercise". we play bowling! haha. me and allan one team then audrey and milk one team. they won first then was us. thus, it was a draw. haha. did not continuous let geo and ant play. oh ya. ling, ys, sarah, ant and geo joined us after that. so i went to teng teng house and saw jo playing DS. haha. think she was tired liao. so she let me play. haha. yeap. is damn nice. haha. then after that some went to play monopoly. i continuous playing jo de DS. after that milk send me home!
Tuesday, 1st jan 08
oh ya. counted down with my 2nd bro. after that we went to prepare for his trip. i went to bath and SLEEP. haha. wake up at 2.45am wash up myself and we headed to changi airport. haha. my 1st bro reached home at 2.50am. haha. he told me, he walk from jp. haha. surprising he did not take cab. *slapslap* this is also for his own good la. exercise ma. haha.
reached airport at 3.45am then bro went to book in. we had our breakfast at airport then took so pictures. and waiting for the time to goes by. and finally my bro is going to america. mum hugged him, tears started to roll down her red cheeks. yeap. bro told me "你要听话哦!" haha. yes, i will! haha. then actaully no one found out that my dad was crying too. just that the tears did not roll down. BRO, I WILL MISS YOU! haha. oh yea, he let me use his room le. haha. new year i got a new room!
on our way home, bro called saying that he is at the plane liao. mum chatted with him. within 30 sec. she started to cry. actaully i also want to cry de la. see my mum like that. but 我忍,忍, 忍! ya. went to bed at 6am!
that all people! see next time you will see my once a week! haha. starting to prepare for my A!
what we could have been, 1:36 AM.