i had spent my last weekend on attending the IT fair. sat, went to IT fair with milk and xiang. milk wanted to buy a desktop while xiang wanted to buy harddisk. being a nice girlfriend and jie mei i accompany them. keke. (thick skin) walk around and went to find audrey who was working for PC mag.
sun, went to IT fair AGAIN with my family. second bro bought a white sony vaio for my first bro for his graduating gift. oh ya, for those who dun know my first bro had graduated from smu. the most important is my bro only paid for $1199 for it. haha. anyway now i am using it to update my blog. keke. oh ya, dad brought a 42 inch tv for his room for $1999. dad said is damn cheap la. well... i dun know anything about tv.
for most of my weekdays was spend on dating with my math, phy and chem. looking at my list again. i left with 10 more topic for chem, 6 more for phy and 7 more for math. well those topic left is J1 de. so think i can finish it quite fast ah. haha.
my milk had been activated. THEREFORE he wil NOT book out for this coming weekend. think he misses his mum ah. because aunt went to taiwan for around one week and NOW he cant book out for this coming weekend. being a good girlfriend, think i will go to his house and finish all the taiwan mango that aunt brought for him. HAHA. *evil smile*
okay people think i will end my post will continue to gambate for my paper. before i press "publish post", here are some pictures about my new ipod babe.

RED,is the colour for the year!

look closely, there is my name! shehui! yeah~
what we could have been, 1:02 AM.
ello people. i am bored! looking at the list now.. i still got 17 chapters to go for chem.. 10 more for my phy.. and oh well i did not touch anything about math, which mean i have 20 more chapters for my math. damn it. i am half way through my holiday and this is what i had left.
rushing my phy revision as tml afternoon i have a consultation with mdm ong about the revision package. oh man. looking at the revision package, think i only done half of it. haiz. think i need to go to the petrol station and add the most expensive oil (jia you). if not i might not be able to finish everything before my mid year.
yesterday received via sms about going to east coast to cycle de. really wish to go lo..too bad i need to go dating with my phy. well...
anyway i had changed the blogskin of mine. think i had gone crazy ald.. lol.. okay people i gtg.. physics is calling me..
what we could have been, 9:48 PM.